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Footnote - please note
Holiday home (rent & additional costs) Price offers - Unless otherwise stated, in euros, subject to availability and including statutory VAT, subject to prior sale. ⚒ Business customers: VAT Denmark 25% - deductible input tax is not applicable, the complete invoice amounts including VAT are recorded. EU agreement on VAT: Reimbursement of business overnight VAT only if a company has paid at least 400 euros in taxes per country. When placing an order/order, our General Terms and Conditions apply exclusively. We reserve the right to make corrections in the event of errors, printing and calculation errors.
Please note our information and note on the problem of external links in our disclaimer
🕦 Times: All times and dates are local. Time zone Europe/Copenhagen
Note F/M/D, LGBTQIA+: For reasons of easier readability, we use the male form of salutation throughout the text. Of course, we welcome people of all gender identities and skin colors.
(☎) Intra-EU communication: Regardless of whether you are calling from a mobile or landline network, a maximum of 19 cents plus VAT per minute for international calls and a maximum of 6 cents plus VAT for an SMS within other EU states. With international roaming, you use a foreign mobile network in another country. The EU has issued regulations on the use of foreign mobile networks in other EU member states (Roaming Regulation). These regulations enable you to make phone calls, surf the web and send text messages like you would at home (roam-like-at-home). The price caps only apply to consumers as they are intended to be protected from high prices. The price caps and regulations for intra-EU communication do not apply to business customers. In the case of 0800 numbers that are free domestically, providers can also charge up to EUR 0.19 / minute. Only the 00800 numbers, which are free throughout the Union, do not incur any additional fees. Incoming calls are free.
In commercial communications that are telemedia or components of telemedia, service providers must indicate commission links / advertising links - also known as affiliate links - if the reader cannot distinguish between objective information and subjective advertising messages. The links marked with an asterisk or shopping cart are so-called advertising links. If an order is placed via these links, we receive a commission from the seller; there are no additional costs for the customer (you).
in a new way → enjoy your vacation in a new way → experience Denmark in a new way → holiday home vacation in a new way → see nature in a new way → go shopping
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On our website you can not only book quality-tested holiday homes with the best price guarantee, but you will also find a wealth of information about Denmark