Warning: Undefined variable $device in /var/www/vhosts/jpfbb1p9.web6.alfahosting-server.de/novis-itineribus.de/.include/start.inc on line 231
☘ GET GREEN - CLIMA! Wir für den Klimaschutz ☘ BLIV GRØN! Vi for klimabeskyttelse ☘ WORD GROEN! Wij voor klimaatbescherming ☘ GET GREEN! We for climate protection ☘ BLI GRÖN! Vi för klimatskydd ☘ BĄDŹ ZIELONY! Jesteśmy za ochroną klimatu ☘ BLI GRØNN! Vi for klimabeskyttelse ☘ VERDIĝu! Ni por klimata protekto ☘ GËTT GRÉNG! Mir fir de Klimaschutz
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Wildbienen Dachbegrünung Ladestationen eAuto Leistung / Preisvergleich Pannenhilfe Recycling Station / Container

Klima • Climate
Klima • Climate
cocoparisienne // pixabay.com

Every day that I am committed to the environment - no matter how small the commitment - is a good day. Don't forget am/at 22. April is "Earth Day"

GET GREEN! We for climate protection

Save resources and do good for the environment!

  • Please turn off the lights when leaving a room!
  • Please turn off your computer and screen when not in use!
  • Turn the heating down to 19C° / 66,2°F (thermostat level 3) and on weekends to level 1 (46,4°F / 8°C)
  • Window closed: heating on, window open: turn heating down!
  • Only print if absolutely necessary - and then please print on both sides (duplex printing)!
  • Avoid and separate waste!
  • Switch off air conditioning units!
  • Reduce hot water consumption!
  • Switch off empty refrigerators!
  • Disconnect unused devices from the power supply (chargers, coffee machines, etc.)


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